Friday, 7 October 2011 ? 0 Comment ?
#kan best kalau muka aku suci cenggini. realiti nye tidakkkk T.T

Assalamualaikum and hi readers :) fyi now pyca dah jarang update blog sbb malas. lagi satu sbb isss pyca dah tak online lama-2 cz kena study, pmr kan *angkat kening* online pun pakai iPad and agak lembab if nak bukak blog. k merdeka is around the corner. next week monday, last 2 paper which is Math and KHB. I hope both easy. lepastuuuu, bakar buku lah! hehe. tp kan, paper Sejarah susah :( takut sgt kalau gagal. YaAllah, harap-2 lah paper Sejarah aku tak gagal. Aminnn T.T orite tknk cerita psl pmr dah. -end-

For the second entry, kita nak sedih-2 jp sbb next year kita naik form4 and Geng Hotot dah takdaaaaa :< sunyi lah sekolah kalau dorg takda. ptg-2 dah tak dpt jumpa dorg. kalau tak balik tu mesti lepak dgn dorg dulu. wuu wuuu ~ nak kenal dgn hotot? pegi lah effbee kita and pandai-2 cari dorg. kuikui :3 Hotot the besttttttttttttttt! (Y) ILoveHototFamily's 

ehem lastlyy, nak berazam sat. utk tahun dpn, kita nak belajar elok-2. tknk main-2 dah sbb next next year dah spm. matilahwaaaaa xx

ok bye. sayang semua :*

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